Median Household Income

Median household income is an economic indicator commonly used as a proxy for quality of life. This metric is also often used to determine if residents in a given location are able to afford the cost of living of residing in that area. In conjunction with per capita income, median household income is used to determine the wealth of a given region. This metric includes both part-time and full-time workers.

Peer City Perspective

Louisville currently ranks 10th among its peer cities in median household income with a median income of $55,000.

Louisville is in the middle of its peer group according to a natural breaks algorithm. Cities in green are those that outperform their peers, cities in yellow represent the middle cluster, and those in red are a group that lags behind its peers on this indicator.

How does the median household income vary across Louisville?

There is tremendous variation in income across the city. In the map to the left, areas with higher median household income are displayed in green, and areas with lower median household income are displayed in red.

A dramatic divide in median household earnings exists in Louisville. Households in eastern Louisville receive higher median earnings than those in West Louisville. As showcased on the map to the left, households in Floyd’s Fork garner a median earning of over $80,000. Households downtown and in Old Louisville garner a media wage of only $17,800. Residents in the Phoenix Hill and Smoketown receive a median earning of $18,200. Russell neighborhood households receive a median income of $20,400.

Scroll over the map to see values for each census tract. Zoom in to see street names that form the boundaries of each tract.

Trends Over Time

After a period of decline from 2000 to 2009, Louisville’s median household income began to rise. Since 2011, median household income in Louisville has seen a steady rate of improvement relative to its peers and moved from close to the 25th percentile to near the peer mean.

Comparison Between the Most and Least Improved Cities

The median income in Knoxville, the most improved city, increased from $3,500 below the peer mean in 2000 to $1,400 above the peer mean in 2016. Louisville’s median household income decreased by $300, compared to an average decrease of $1,600 among peer cities. Median household income in Indianapolis, the worst-performing peer city, decreased by almost $9,000.